Instant Kang Tai Pla Curry Powder


Instant Kang Tai Pla Curry Powder Easy to prepare with minimal steps. It has a mild and balanced flavor with a moderate level of spiciness. It creates a gentle aroma that reflects the essence of southern Thai cuisine.

Retail Price 30 g. 250 g. 500 g.
BAHT 20 195 320


Instant Kang Tai Pla Curry Powder


1. Kang Tai Pla curry powder 83%
2. Tai Pla powder 10%
3. Sugar 5%
4. Salt 2%

Allergen information. : MSG, Fish


1. Curry powder 1 pc.
2. Water. 300 ml.
3. Meat and vegetables. 300 g.

Cooking step

1. Boiled water in a pot and put curry powder into the pot.
2. When the water boils, add meat and vegetables to it. Until cooked.
3. Turn off the stove and serve with hot steamed rice.


Store in a cool and dry place.
One time use.

06 วิธีทำ พริกแกง ไตปลา สำเภาทอง

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